Monday, November 20, 2006

Finally something to report...

Well, we really haven't done much more for wedding planning thus far. I just thought I'd write about what little has happened so far. ABU had a craft fair the past weekend....I sold some of my wire/glass bead jewlery. I made enough to decrease my dress payment by a fair amount. Trust me, that's exciting!! And if anyone wants to buy some great jewlery...just let me know (hint, hint).

David is still working quite diligently on his school work. Less than a month for him in this semester. He's doing really great too. He's sooo smart. I'm not just saying it either...though he'd say so.

I was going to apply for some teaching positons...but when checked them out I discovered that the due date has already passed. Holy poop on a stick eh?? I wasn't overly impressed.

Yup, that's pretty much all that's new here. Keep posted....I'll keep posting.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nothing (really) new under the sun

Ok, so it's been a while since either of us made a comment...and from the urging of my little sister, not mentioning any names...oh wait, I only have one sister....I've decided to post another comment.
We haven't really had much time to do a whole lot more wedding planning. I made my second payment on my dress...the store clerk called me a 'bride' and I started giggleing in my head all day.
That's really all that's been done thus far. Keep you posted.