Friday, September 21, 2007

Long time no Blog Shannon pointed out to me, I haven't updated my blog in ages...I thought it was the other week, but she reminded me it was Aug. 11. Quite a bit has changed and happened since then. Where to start...
I'm finally getting contacts! I have my appointment on Monday to learn how to put then in and take them out. I also got a new pair of frames for when I don't want to wear the contacts. I got a new car....I guess that's old news. I managed to hit and kill two animals this week. 5 years driving a truck and I never hit anything larger then a butterfly...but I've managed to get a skunk (which really stunk up the car...but thanks to mom's advice...baking soda got rid of that) and last night I hit a HUGE raccoon! It did some damage, but nothing overly serious. I'm still landscaping and teaching. David is still being a student. His thesis is coming along nicely. I can't believe how much he's been getting done on it. The wedding plans are coming together as well. We've found our venues for both ceremony and reception. We are almost done collecting things for the invitations, we'll get those done up in the early new year . We have all we need for the pew markers. The rest is pretty much the smaller details. I'm getting quite excited about the whole thing...David will be much closer to the day. That's all for now. I'll try to rememeber to post things a little more regularly next time.