Saturday, November 03, 2007

257 days to go

So we are still in the process of discussions with then caterer, we have a meeting with the cake lady in a few for the bridesmaids dresses....holy moly I'm going to go batty! Ok, so David called a place that rents dresses for me...and after I decided that I liked another dress even better then the original one...I might be making some headway. I just hope the rental price isn't too scary and the girls are totally ok with the decision....well, it might not matter anyways.

On a different note, the ABU craft fair is next weekend...I've been displaced from my table from last year...but I'm hoping my new location is just as good and that sales will be decent enough to help cover the costs of the amount I put into my craft.

That's about all that's new and exciting. I hope to post some definate headway soon.