Thursday, March 06, 2008

And the adventure continues...

So this week has been March Break............and it's almost over. David and I have managed to get some wedding things done. We bought flowers last weekend for the wedding. We feel that purchasing artificial ones is a much better and economical way to do it. No, I haven't been buying the ones that look fake...we've managed to get some really nice ones 1/2 price. Thank you Michaels! We also picked up some things to help decorate the invitations if our wax seal idea falls through again. Things are coming together nicely. The napkin rings are almost done. My hair comb is coming along as are the paper flowers I am learning to make. I think after I am done with them, I'll leave the rose creating to God and Martha Stewart (not that they are the same, but much better than I). The guest list is finalized and the address labels will be starting very soon. We are also really glad to be still wayyyy under budget.

David is still working madly on his Thesis....with it coming together. I'm enjoying my week off from work, and after managing to go into the ditch today, I am now ready to go back to work.

Till next time.