Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I'm kinda in mourning. I miss my engagement ring. No worries...I didn't lose it....it's being tended to..free of charge thanks to my ever thinking fiance who purchased the warrenty. It's been sort of wiggly and I'm quite afraid that it's going to slip off my fingers on day...so we brought it in to be resized and checked out according to the warrenty plans. I'm picking it up tomorrow after 6pm....it should be smaller for my delicate fingers and clean and shiny!

I'm also trying on wedding dresses tomorrow. Yes, I already have my dress....and no I'm not getting a back up. I'm modeling for the Bay on Sunday and we need to find dresses that suit our frame and figures. I'm totally excited about this! Not only do I get to be a model, I get to model designer dresses, I get my hair and make-up professionally done and I get to prove that models truly do come in all shapes and sizes. I only wish that David and I had our camera (which too had to be serviced..actually replaced totally). He's coming along too for the event. I think it's just so he can see me in a wedding dress....perhaps I should leave some tissues for him ;) He told me last night that's he's excited because he can tell others that he's dating a model.

Other than that life is pretty normal. I'm waiting for Miss. Catherine (my cat) to have her kittens, enjoying the warmer weather (finally) and busy planning and attending meetings regarding my upcoming long-term supply in Kindergarten. Trust me it's not just songs and games anymore. Oh, and I'm trying to downsize my take-over of the bedroom because Shannon comes home Thrusday...so far so good there. David and I purchased some stemwear for the wedding/our home (when we get one) and I recieved/purchased some kitchen utensils and stuff for our home. Things are slowly falling into place. And time is quickly ticking away....only 452 days left!!

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