Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh the fun of planning...

Mandy here..ok, so now that I'm at my laptop, I can have a chance to say a few words (sorry my love). I'm trying to work on some planning stuff. David and I have picked the colors...funky yet classic...and yes, they'll look good on the gals and guys. We bought our invitations the other week and once we get the location and stuff decided on and confirmed, they'll be done. This probably won't be even looked at until Christmas, March Break or next summer...once David has some time and a break from his school work.

Mom, Shannon and I are going to look at dresses next weekend. I have no idea what I I plan on going and trying some on and seeing what looks the best on me....then I'll find a pattern and perhaps material and Sylvia (David's mom) has agreed to make the dress for me. I'm hoping that this will save us some $$$.

David and I are also waiting for some time so that we can go to some stores and register for gift ideas. We'll keep you posted on how that's going too.

Guess that's all for now.

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