Sunday, October 01, 2006

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever" ~Keats (especially if its sparkely)

........................Pictures from Edmundston!

Here we are and guess what? This is a picture from the very day I proposed to the most beautiful woman in the world! (By the way she said YES! wow huh!) good thing she didn't cry...that much just enough to fill this lake. (ouch! ouch! ok ok so she didn't fill a lake with tears but she was sure happy) I now know she said yes because of my charming personality and good looks. Well I did have to beg and plead... but she eventually came round.
So here we are in charming and very French Edmundston ( I speak -0.0000000001 % French) and its a lovely day with my charming half-French girl friend (now FIANCE!!!!!), we are walking through the gardens and she has no idea that i'm going to propose to her because we're supposed to be just on a "day trip". (hehehe I'm soooooo sneaky)
So there we are, after a days delay cause her truck broke down and I had to rent a really cool car (even though it was a FORD!!!!).
P.S. she called it "Greeny" I preferred to call it "CAR".
So there we were and I was scoping out the perfect spot to as her to marry me and then i saw this little bridge and after awhile i got her back to this most perfect spot and got down on ONE knee, that's right like a REAL MAN and asked her if she won't mind condemning herself to a life filled with me, or in other words, marry me.
Now boys and girls, when the woman that you love looks at you and laughs thinking you're joking it is always helpful to produce the goods (ring!) that she thinks you don't have and won't have for another four months. After a gasp and her eyes leaking she said "YES"! She was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (you get the picture) happy and we were both on cloud one trillion and one for months (so yes we're still up there!). So if you didn't get it the first time, I love her and she must love me cause we got engaged in Edmundston on September 3, 2006! wooo hoooo!

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