Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Guess I shouldn't wait soo long to blog

Ok..so Shannon reminded me that it's been a while since I last left anything on my blog....and thought I doesn't seem like a long time, May first was almost a month ago! Let me recap what's happened since then. I began teaching Kindergarten. I firmly believe that is it birth control for the educator. I do not want children any time soon....in a few years yes...right now?? No way! I am learning lots from them though....like they worship me, on occasion they get mouthy, I can make them cry and not to wear skirts around them when they are sitting on the floor. I also have 4 lovely little kittens. There were 5, but Clyde died yesterday. I should never be the one to find a dead or dying kitten...not a good time. I had a job interview with the school district 2...I'm still waiting to hear about that. I took the entire long weekend and worked on my 20 min powerpoint presentation. It was pretty good....I'll definately post on the outcomes of that experience. Not a whole lot has been done towards wedding planning. David and I have made some decisions on the smaller things...but the big details are coming. Guess that's all. Till next time.

1 comment:

DansWifey said...

yay!! I was mentioned!!