Thursday, June 28, 2007

So the wedding plans have been going slower than hoped. David and I picked up more table centerpieces on Tuesday as well as some paper for the envelopes we are going to make for our favors. It's been little things here and there, but it's getting done..and that makes me happy.

I'm still waiting on hearing about a teaching position. I just finished at the school on Tuesday at noon. I'm currently on my mini vacation....and enjoying it..except for all these thunder storms that keep me up at night...that and the water coming through our closet...the dripping isn't much fun either, just as Shannon.

David and I are off to Fundy National Park should be fun. I'm looking forward to our day trip. I love taking road trips with him....which I'm guessing is a good thing considering we're going to spend the rest of our lives with eachother.

Guess that's all for this post. Till next time...

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