Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Another month...another update

It's been an extremely slow week. I've had 3 days off from teaching after 3 weeks of constant work. It has been kinda nice though since I've been under the weather since the weekend. If I can over come this runny nose and constant sneezing I'll be ok. David is finishing up his exams this week....he only has 2 left. Yes!!! We also had the annual Christmas Banquet last weekend...but unfortuantely I can't get the pictures to load at the moment...grrr.

We've been picking up a few things here and there for the wedding. Got our cake topper the other week...and some candles a few days before that. Things are going slow..but we have the time to enjoy things at this point. I also made another payment to my dress...$250 ish left to go!

Keep checking our blog....and I'll keep posting things. Merry Christmas!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Finally something to report...

Well, we really haven't done much more for wedding planning thus far. I just thought I'd write about what little has happened so far. ABU had a craft fair the past weekend....I sold some of my wire/glass bead jewlery. I made enough to decrease my dress payment by a fair amount. Trust me, that's exciting!! And if anyone wants to buy some great jewlery...just let me know (hint, hint).

David is still working quite diligently on his school work. Less than a month for him in this semester. He's doing really great too. He's sooo smart. I'm not just saying it either...though he'd say so.

I was going to apply for some teaching positons...but when checked them out I discovered that the due date has already passed. Holy poop on a stick eh?? I wasn't overly impressed.

Yup, that's pretty much all that's new here. Keep posted....I'll keep posting.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nothing (really) new under the sun

Ok, so it's been a while since either of us made a comment...and from the urging of my little sister, not mentioning any names...oh wait, I only have one sister....I've decided to post another comment.
We haven't really had much time to do a whole lot more wedding planning. I made my second payment on my dress...the store clerk called me a 'bride' and I started giggleing in my head all day.
That's really all that's been done thus far. Keep you posted.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Busy, busy dreadfully busy nothing has been added for a while...fear not...things are still going well, but we are waiting for a little time before we make more plans. David has been super uber busy with school work and I (Mandy) have been busy between landscaping and teaching. Thanks for checking up. We appreciate that.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I found it!

I went dress shopping today...and found my dress. I guess I'm not having it made now. It's really beautiful..but I can't give details because I don't want David to know what it looks like ;) Trust's really pretty...and yes, it looks GOOD on me.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh the fun of planning...

Mandy here..ok, so now that I'm at my laptop, I can have a chance to say a few words (sorry my love). I'm trying to work on some planning stuff. David and I have picked the colors...funky yet classic...and yes, they'll look good on the gals and guys. We bought our invitations the other week and once we get the location and stuff decided on and confirmed, they'll be done. This probably won't be even looked at until Christmas, March Break or next summer...once David has some time and a break from his school work.

Mom, Shannon and I are going to look at dresses next weekend. I have no idea what I I plan on going and trying some on and seeing what looks the best on me....then I'll find a pattern and perhaps material and Sylvia (David's mom) has agreed to make the dress for me. I'm hoping that this will save us some $$$.

David and I are also waiting for some time so that we can go to some stores and register for gift ideas. We'll keep you posted on how that's going too.

Guess that's all for now.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever" ~Keats (especially if its sparkely)

........................Pictures from Edmundston!

Here we are and guess what? This is a picture from the very day I proposed to the most beautiful woman in the world! (By the way she said YES! wow huh!) good thing she didn't cry...that much just enough to fill this lake. (ouch! ouch! ok ok so she didn't fill a lake with tears but she was sure happy) I now know she said yes because of my charming personality and good looks. Well I did have to beg and plead... but she eventually came round.
So here we are in charming and very French Edmundston ( I speak -0.0000000001 % French) and its a lovely day with my charming half-French girl friend (now FIANCE!!!!!), we are walking through the gardens and she has no idea that i'm going to propose to her because we're supposed to be just on a "day trip". (hehehe I'm soooooo sneaky)
So there we are, after a days delay cause her truck broke down and I had to rent a really cool car (even though it was a FORD!!!!).
P.S. she called it "Greeny" I preferred to call it "CAR".
So there we were and I was scoping out the perfect spot to as her to marry me and then i saw this little bridge and after awhile i got her back to this most perfect spot and got down on ONE knee, that's right like a REAL MAN and asked her if she won't mind condemning herself to a life filled with me, or in other words, marry me.
Now boys and girls, when the woman that you love looks at you and laughs thinking you're joking it is always helpful to produce the goods (ring!) that she thinks you don't have and won't have for another four months. After a gasp and her eyes leaking she said "YES"! She was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (you get the picture) happy and we were both on cloud one trillion and one for months (so yes we're still up there!). So if you didn't get it the first time, I love her and she must love me cause we got engaged in Edmundston on September 3, 2006! wooo hoooo!


We (Mandy & David) welcome you to our wedding "blog" which is way better than a wedding frog! Here you'll find all sort of info on the upcoming event of the millennium OUR MARRIAGE!!!!!! (woo hoo!)