Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good-bye Christmas...hello break!

So Christmas break is over....and it's back to the old grind...and I don't think I could be happier! Odd you may say...and yes, I agree. It seems David and I didn't get a whole lot of time to sit and relax over the past few weeks. With visiting, shopping, planning, prepping, packing and celebrating, we had few days to sit and recover. We did get some wedding planning done...like going over the guest list and discussing catering options. This involved a few arguements and the creation of a new word (capooples). We also agreeded on the wedding colors ( and I hope I don't change my mind again) and perhaps a dress idea for the girls. David has been looking at tux ideas with the color scheme in mind and plotting Honeymoon destination ideas.

David did get to enjoy the traditions of my family (3 am wake up on Christmas morning, manacotti for dinner, scrabble and visiting my family). I got to meet lots of his family and play more Dutch Blitz and Cranium than you can shake a stick at.

We arrived home from Bridgewater yesterday. It was a long and eventful trip. David stayed the night at my place last night due to the weather. I brought him back to ABU today (after Thelma charged up).

I hope that helps all that current our blog for news and updates and keeps you all satisfied for now. Talk to you soon.


Pilgrim said...

Sounds like fun, yet tiring!! Glad you guys are back home!! See you soon : ) Oh, and it's not all necessarily arguing, it's occasionally negotiations and compromise... welcome to life! : )

Pilgrim said...

Did you bring this weather back from Nova Scotia?? LOL