Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Long January

So people are getting back into the swing of things...and so are David and I. Work is definately picking up....for me with teaching and for David with learning. I had an interview last week...but yet again I didn't get the job. Frustrated? Yes.

Shannon and I are heading to the Bridal Showcase here on the 18th of Feb. Hopefully I'll get some great ideas on bridal party dresses and great prices as well as do some networking and stuff. I'm rather excited. One of my first big outings as a bride to be (next to trying on and buying the dress, of course). I'd love to have a bridal shower sometime soon to...or maybe even an engagement party. Any excuse to have people say, 'yeah, you're getting married...let us celebrate with you guys!'

David and I are going to make a list of venues and possibly do some registry stuff this weekend. I'll keep that info. up to date for those who are living vicariously (sp?) through this. (hee hee hee)

Guess that's all that's new and exciting for now.


* This Blog has been posted in memory of Squiggy.....who passed away this afternoon. May he swim in peace.


Pilgrim said...

Squiggy is swimming with the big fishies now... and upside down, no less. What a creative fishy!! He says, "Bring on the grub"!! : )

DansWifey said...

I was under the impression that bridal showers didn't come until like 6 months before the wedding.

woo hoo I do! said...

Bridal showers come whenever people decide to plan on hosting them. There is no real time constraint on them.

DansWifey said...

well, i haven't planned one yet...and considering my 6 tough courses, and 14 hours of work a week, it won't be for a while.

woo hoo I do! said...

Thanks for your honesty dear Maid of Honor. I wasn't expecting one tomorrow. I was just stating that I would love to have one sometime. Just so that I would be acknowledged that David and I are getting married. It sometimes seems, that he and I are the only ones excited about this. I know people are busy, but even busy people can be supportive.

Pilgrim said...

It is too early for a shower.... within a year is good... and at this stage you and David should be the most excited ones about this. People are supportive Mandy, but now is when you two need to make plans and get pre-marital counseling and work on making sure you will last a lifetime... a wedding is a lot of whooplaa for what will be a whole lot of work... That is not being negative, but very honest. What are your expectations of support?

woo hoo I do! said...

Ok...so maybe a year and a half is a little early for a shower, but how about a engagement party? Just time will go quickly, especially with lots going on. At this point, pre-marital counseling is too early too due to David being in school. As for support...things like helping with the odds and ends and stuff. Guess other than that, it's just things that David and I can do on our own...since it all involves buying things. Thanks.