Thursday, February 08, 2007

February, the month of love

Yup, it's February already. Can you believe it?? I wish I had something really exciting to announce about the wedding, but nothing uber exciting has happened. David and I made a list of possible church and reception sites, I bought another package of invitations 1/2 price (yeah Michaels!), I found some 1/2 beads for a project I want to do and I picked up some rose buds for the table favors. Oh, and I made another payment towards the dress. Small steps towards the special day that David and I will cherish for the rest of our lives. Even if it is just a day, it's our wedding day....and that makes it much, much more than just a day.

David is keeping busy with his school work again. I've had a slow week, teaching only 1/2 a day on Monday.

Us girls are going to the Womens Expo this Saturday. My idea....trying to get mom, Shan and I to do something fun...since we never do anything together due to schedules. Bridal Showcase the following weekend. I'm thinking Shan is still coming with me....but we haven't confirmed a time or anything yet.

Yup, that's how exciting things are here. Till next time.


Pilgrim said...

Plan to pick up lots of tips and business cards at the expo... all those could be discounts towards the big day... or maybe a shopping spree, YEAH!! Sounds like you are right on track with the plans : ) Love those little tulle flowers!

woo hoo I do! said...

Well I did learn some at the Women's Expo....not sure if it's what I wanted to learn though mom :0

DansWifey said...

I"m hoping you win that basket from Fantasia ;o)