Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1 more day....

1 more day and David and I head down to Wolfville to visit Acadia. He's looking to possibly attend there after we get married. We figured it would be best to do this this March Break due to it not being his last year and us not getting last minute things done up. We are both pretty excited. I think his excitement is the prospect of possible bursaries and mine is seeing Lisa again. We are then heading from there on Friday afternoon to Barss Corner to see the family :)

For those of you who read this for the wedding info...here it is. I bought some beads last week, 2 packages for the price of 1 and some memory wire rings to make napkin rings! I know, I'm a genius. I also picked up some pearls in case my necklace I want to wear ( the one given to me from my great grandmother years ago) needs to be refurbished in one way or another. I also bought a mini blender the other day. It's more for making smoothies and stuff...but it's kinda wedding related right? I'm actually enjoying a smoothie right now..that and some stale popcorn. Mmmmmm.

That's all that's new and exciting here. Hey Shannon! I hope this satisifies your comment on not updating enough. Don't expect anything for a week or so. Chaio!

1 comment:

Pilgrim said...

So ... are you there yet?
Hope you have a great time!!