Sunday, March 11, 2007

And that was March Break...sigh

Ok..March Break is over. I think when I take over the world, March Break will be two weeks long. 1 week to relax and 1 to get the things that are needed to be done done.

David and I went to Acadia. It was really neat. The Divinity College was smaller than we expected, but the overall experience was great. Questions were answered and insight was recieved. We did leave yearly though due to a storm. We stayed with Lisa and Danny. It was super duper great.

The remainder of the break was nice and relaxing. I worked on my knitting, some crocheting read about a chapter of a book, watched some movies and helped around the house. I also had a suprise birthday party. I knew that Sylvia was going to make me a cake..but I didn't know it was going to be chocolate with boiled frosting and that I was going to recieve gifst too! David bought me a purse, wallet, umbrella and some foot soak. I also recieved 2 beading magazines and a bead pattern book. Oh so very cool. Thanks again guys.

We were to leave Thursday, but when it came time to leave, it was almost impossible to see across the we waited another day.

And now here we are....almost done the break. We didn't get any plans done on the wedding, but we did get (were given) a table, silverware and a coffee machine. Woo hoo!

That's all for now.



DansWifey said...

I thought you already had a table...*mooching face*

woo hoo I do! said...

I have a little round table, but this one is a bigger rectangular one.