Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Things are great

I've been thinking....I know that it's soo easy to complain and grumble about things, but I have so much to be thankful for. For instance, I recieved a call today telling me that my wedding dress has arrived! It's a strong reminder that my wedding is actually going to happen and I am really getting married. I know that the wedding planning can be stressful, but realizing that I am marrying the man of my dreams definately makes everything come out sunshine and butterflies.
Another thing I am thanful for is David (yes, the same guy mentioned in the first paragraph). Yes we do argue and fight and the stresses of wedding planning and other things can effect all areas our our lives, Ican't help but remember why we are getting married in the first place, we love eachother! He's not perfect (neither am I), but he sure is wonderful, he loves me and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me (and I with him). That is definately a reason to be thankful. I know that God must be sick of hearing how happy I am to have David as part of my life. I know that everything won't be perfect in our lives...but that can't stop me from counting my blessings and enjoying every minute of them.
Another thing I am thankful for is my wonderful family. They are helpful with running ideas past for wedding plans. I'm also trying to make room in a very small space so that my sister and I can share the room for the last summer ever. For some reason she things that she needs to go elsewhere...I'm not sure why...and I think that she thinks that she can't come home this summer...which is plain silly. It's going to be our last summer to share a room and we'll both be super busy with summer jobs so we won't see each other much anyways.
Being thankful is catchy...and even if I don't feel well because I am trying to overcome a cold, I can't help be feeling sooo happy. I have such great things to be thankful for like these and many others including a 2 month teaching position teaching Kindergarten starting in May. I can't help but feeling sooo blessed in all areas of my life. Till next time.

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