Saturday, November 03, 2007

257 days to go

So we are still in the process of discussions with then caterer, we have a meeting with the cake lady in a few for the bridesmaids dresses....holy moly I'm going to go batty! Ok, so David called a place that rents dresses for me...and after I decided that I liked another dress even better then the original one...I might be making some headway. I just hope the rental price isn't too scary and the girls are totally ok with the decision....well, it might not matter anyways.

On a different note, the ABU craft fair is next weekend...I've been displaced from my table from last year...but I'm hoping my new location is just as good and that sales will be decent enough to help cover the costs of the amount I put into my craft.

That's about all that's new and exciting. I hope to post some definate headway soon.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Long time no Blog Shannon pointed out to me, I haven't updated my blog in ages...I thought it was the other week, but she reminded me it was Aug. 11. Quite a bit has changed and happened since then. Where to start...
I'm finally getting contacts! I have my appointment on Monday to learn how to put then in and take them out. I also got a new pair of frames for when I don't want to wear the contacts. I got a new car....I guess that's old news. I managed to hit and kill two animals this week. 5 years driving a truck and I never hit anything larger then a butterfly...but I've managed to get a skunk (which really stunk up the car...but thanks to mom's advice...baking soda got rid of that) and last night I hit a HUGE raccoon! It did some damage, but nothing overly serious. I'm still landscaping and teaching. David is still being a student. His thesis is coming along nicely. I can't believe how much he's been getting done on it. The wedding plans are coming together as well. We've found our venues for both ceremony and reception. We are almost done collecting things for the invitations, we'll get those done up in the early new year . We have all we need for the pew markers. The rest is pretty much the smaller details. I'm getting quite excited about the whole thing...David will be much closer to the day. That's all for now. I'll try to rememeber to post things a little more regularly next time.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Summer is almost over..

Not a whole lot has happened since my last update. Ok, so something very exciting things have happened....I bought a new car! I now own a beautiful dark green 2003 Pontiac Grand AM. As for wedding plans and such, well, little things have been done here and there....but nothing super signifigant. Till next time.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

So wedding plans have been going well. David and I now have our wedding ceremony and reception site booked. We have also changed our wedding date. It's now on the 18th of better fits our ideas for the wedding...a lovely evening wedding filled with sparkly lights and candles....and we don't have to leave by 2 pm. I'm quite excited. We are currenly looking at ideas of caters and cakes...mmmm cake.

I've started landscaping last week....I really wish for a teaching job...I'd rather have sticky kids around me rather than insecticides and sore feet. Sigh...soon I hope.

Congrats to Shan and Dan.

Guess that's all...till next time.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

So the wedding plans have been going slower than hoped. David and I picked up more table centerpieces on Tuesday as well as some paper for the envelopes we are going to make for our favors. It's been little things here and there, but it's getting done..and that makes me happy.

I'm still waiting on hearing about a teaching position. I just finished at the school on Tuesday at noon. I'm currently on my mini vacation....and enjoying it..except for all these thunder storms that keep me up at night...that and the water coming through our closet...the dripping isn't much fun either, just as Shannon.

David and I are off to Fundy National Park should be fun. I'm looking forward to our day trip. I love taking road trips with him....which I'm guessing is a good thing considering we're going to spend the rest of our lives with eachother.

Guess that's all for this post. Till next time...

Monday, June 11, 2007


Ok...the honeymoon thing didn't work out exactly as we had expected. We did get a vacation voucher...for accomodations at any hotel on the list we were given. We weren't overly excited since our first choice of the Bahamas required that we use it before our actual wedding...and though I really wanted to go, going on a honeymoon before the wedding was really pointless. Guess we got to go back to plan A. Other than that, nothing really new to report about the wedding. Till next time.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

I finally have some news

David and I potentially won a Honeymoon package. We're going to pick it up on Sunday along with watching a chef cook and sampling some food. We are hoping and praying that it isn't some sort of scam...cause if it's not...then we are off to the Bahamas for a few days!! I also got accepted onto the short list for School District 2..meaning that if any teacher is in need of a long term supply... I can be called because I've been chosen. I'm also hoping and praying that the I get asked to stay in the classroom I am in now for the next year since the regular teacher will still be off on maternity leave. Exciting news I know. David and I also picked up our card alternative to a guest book. We are quite impressed with them too. Thank you Martha Stewart...guess you did learn some neat things in prison! That's all for now. Till next time.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Guess I shouldn't wait soo long to blog Shannon reminded me that it's been a while since I last left anything on my blog....and thought I doesn't seem like a long time, May first was almost a month ago! Let me recap what's happened since then. I began teaching Kindergarten. I firmly believe that is it birth control for the educator. I do not want children any time a few years yes...right now?? No way! I am learning lots from them they worship me, on occasion they get mouthy, I can make them cry and not to wear skirts around them when they are sitting on the floor. I also have 4 lovely little kittens. There were 5, but Clyde died yesterday. I should never be the one to find a dead or dying kitten...not a good time. I had a job interview with the school district 2...I'm still waiting to hear about that. I took the entire long weekend and worked on my 20 min powerpoint presentation. It was pretty good....I'll definately post on the outcomes of that experience. Not a whole lot has been done towards wedding planning. David and I have made some decisions on the smaller things...but the big details are coming. Guess that's all. Till next time.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

another update

No, I didn't model last weekend. Things didn't work out according to plan. My cat had 5 kittens. They are all black, black and white or grey and white. And my camera came home today. That's been the excitement of the past week or so.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I'm kinda in mourning. I miss my engagement ring. No worries...I didn't lose's being tended of charge thanks to my ever thinking fiance who purchased the warrenty. It's been sort of wiggly and I'm quite afraid that it's going to slip off my fingers on we brought it in to be resized and checked out according to the warrenty plans. I'm picking it up tomorrow after should be smaller for my delicate fingers and clean and shiny!

I'm also trying on wedding dresses tomorrow. Yes, I already have my dress....and no I'm not getting a back up. I'm modeling for the Bay on Sunday and we need to find dresses that suit our frame and figures. I'm totally excited about this! Not only do I get to be a model, I get to model designer dresses, I get my hair and make-up professionally done and I get to prove that models truly do come in all shapes and sizes. I only wish that David and I had our camera (which too had to be serviced..actually replaced totally). He's coming along too for the event. I think it's just so he can see me in a wedding dress....perhaps I should leave some tissues for him ;) He told me last night that's he's excited because he can tell others that he's dating a model.

Other than that life is pretty normal. I'm waiting for Miss. Catherine (my cat) to have her kittens, enjoying the warmer weather (finally) and busy planning and attending meetings regarding my upcoming long-term supply in Kindergarten. Trust me it's not just songs and games anymore. Oh, and I'm trying to downsize my take-over of the bedroom because Shannon comes home far so good there. David and I purchased some stemwear for the wedding/our home (when we get one) and I recieved/purchased some kitchen utensils and stuff for our home. Things are slowly falling into place. And time is quickly ticking away....only 452 days left!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Going slowly..

Nothing super exciting has happened (wedding related) since I finished paying off the dress. I bought a ton of ribbon on sale at Michaels. Soo exciting I know.

I also had a was filled with teaching all day, going to supper with David, enjoying chocolate cake with boiled frosting...and chilling in the library. It was a good day.

That's about all. I'll keep you posted on the progress.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

It's done!

I finished paying for my dress and picked it up yesterday. It's rather exciting knowing that I how own and have in my possession, the dress I'll wear for my wedding. I fogot how beautiful it really was....and some of the details it has that I either didn't remember or notice when I tried it one last October.

I'm also going to pick up some candles for the wedding later on this afternoon.

That's the extent of the exciting wedding details thus far.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Things are great

I've been thinking....I know that it's soo easy to complain and grumble about things, but I have so much to be thankful for. For instance, I recieved a call today telling me that my wedding dress has arrived! It's a strong reminder that my wedding is actually going to happen and I am really getting married. I know that the wedding planning can be stressful, but realizing that I am marrying the man of my dreams definately makes everything come out sunshine and butterflies.
Another thing I am thanful for is David (yes, the same guy mentioned in the first paragraph). Yes we do argue and fight and the stresses of wedding planning and other things can effect all areas our our lives, Ican't help but remember why we are getting married in the first place, we love eachother! He's not perfect (neither am I), but he sure is wonderful, he loves me and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me (and I with him). That is definately a reason to be thankful. I know that God must be sick of hearing how happy I am to have David as part of my life. I know that everything won't be perfect in our lives...but that can't stop me from counting my blessings and enjoying every minute of them.
Another thing I am thankful for is my wonderful family. They are helpful with running ideas past for wedding plans. I'm also trying to make room in a very small space so that my sister and I can share the room for the last summer ever. For some reason she things that she needs to go elsewhere...I'm not sure why...and I think that she thinks that she can't come home this summer...which is plain silly. It's going to be our last summer to share a room and we'll both be super busy with summer jobs so we won't see each other much anyways.
Being thankful is catchy...and even if I don't feel well because I am trying to overcome a cold, I can't help be feeling sooo happy. I have such great things to be thankful for like these and many others including a 2 month teaching position teaching Kindergarten starting in May. I can't help but feeling sooo blessed in all areas of my life. Till next time.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Ok...Thelma is better. My truck broke down on Thursday morning and after a lonnngggg weekend, she's better. Thankfully it was nothing a new distributor and a tune up couldn't help. She's up and running (literally) and sounding better than she has for a long time.

I was also asked if I would want to take over a Kindergarten class starting in May until the end of June. Of course, I said yes. I was in the class this morning till noon and they are great. I am super uber excited. The best part, the school is just down the road!

I'm going to make a payment on my wedding dress this weekend. David and I will be doing some registry stuff while where at the mall. Wedding plans have been kinda slow this past while..but my other half (didn't say if he was better or not) has been really busy with school work.

Guess that's about all that's new here. Thankfully, the excitement of the past week is over. Keep checking...I'll be posting again soon.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

And that was March Break...sigh

Ok..March Break is over. I think when I take over the world, March Break will be two weeks long. 1 week to relax and 1 to get the things that are needed to be done done.

David and I went to Acadia. It was really neat. The Divinity College was smaller than we expected, but the overall experience was great. Questions were answered and insight was recieved. We did leave yearly though due to a storm. We stayed with Lisa and Danny. It was super duper great.

The remainder of the break was nice and relaxing. I worked on my knitting, some crocheting read about a chapter of a book, watched some movies and helped around the house. I also had a suprise birthday party. I knew that Sylvia was going to make me a cake..but I didn't know it was going to be chocolate with boiled frosting and that I was going to recieve gifst too! David bought me a purse, wallet, umbrella and some foot soak. I also recieved 2 beading magazines and a bead pattern book. Oh so very cool. Thanks again guys.

We were to leave Thursday, but when it came time to leave, it was almost impossible to see across the we waited another day.

And now here we are....almost done the break. We didn't get any plans done on the wedding, but we did get (were given) a table, silverware and a coffee machine. Woo hoo!

That's all for now.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1 more day....

1 more day and David and I head down to Wolfville to visit Acadia. He's looking to possibly attend there after we get married. We figured it would be best to do this this March Break due to it not being his last year and us not getting last minute things done up. We are both pretty excited. I think his excitement is the prospect of possible bursaries and mine is seeing Lisa again. We are then heading from there on Friday afternoon to Barss Corner to see the family :)

For those of you who read this for the wedding it is. I bought some beads last week, 2 packages for the price of 1 and some memory wire rings to make napkin rings! I know, I'm a genius. I also picked up some pearls in case my necklace I want to wear ( the one given to me from my great grandmother years ago) needs to be refurbished in one way or another. I also bought a mini blender the other day. It's more for making smoothies and stuff...but it's kinda wedding related right? I'm actually enjoying a smoothie right now..that and some stale popcorn. Mmmmmm.

That's all that's new and exciting here. Hey Shannon! I hope this satisifies your comment on not updating enough. Don't expect anything for a week or so. Chaio!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bridal Showcase

So we (Shannon and I) made it to the Bridal Showcase. After waiting in the snow and finally getting inside, we were able to see what all the hype was about. There weren't as many venders as I expected..but it was still really helpful. Next time I'll take David was more geared towards big things and decisions for the bride and groom...not with her maid of honor. I did recieve lots of handouts...and a magazine..and candies/chocoates...and 2 cool it was worth it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day!

So we made it to the Expo. It wasn't super uber exciting, but we did have some fun. I picked up a green feather stole (sp?) for the wedding, when it starts to get chilly.

We also started to do our registry on the Canadian Tire website. I'll make sure to put the address here when we complete that. Till then, happy days.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

February, the month of love

Yup, it's February already. Can you believe it?? I wish I had something really exciting to announce about the wedding, but nothing uber exciting has happened. David and I made a list of possible church and reception sites, I bought another package of invitations 1/2 price (yeah Michaels!), I found some 1/2 beads for a project I want to do and I picked up some rose buds for the table favors. Oh, and I made another payment towards the dress. Small steps towards the special day that David and I will cherish for the rest of our lives. Even if it is just a day, it's our wedding day....and that makes it much, much more than just a day.

David is keeping busy with his school work again. I've had a slow week, teaching only 1/2 a day on Monday.

Us girls are going to the Womens Expo this Saturday. My idea....trying to get mom, Shan and I to do something fun...since we never do anything together due to schedules. Bridal Showcase the following weekend. I'm thinking Shan is still coming with me....but we haven't confirmed a time or anything yet.

Yup, that's how exciting things are here. Till next time.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Long January

So people are getting back into the swing of things...and so are David and I. Work is definately picking up....for me with teaching and for David with learning. I had an interview last week...but yet again I didn't get the job. Frustrated? Yes.

Shannon and I are heading to the Bridal Showcase here on the 18th of Feb. Hopefully I'll get some great ideas on bridal party dresses and great prices as well as do some networking and stuff. I'm rather excited. One of my first big outings as a bride to be (next to trying on and buying the dress, of course). I'd love to have a bridal shower sometime soon to...or maybe even an engagement party. Any excuse to have people say, 'yeah, you're getting married...let us celebrate with you guys!'

David and I are going to make a list of venues and possibly do some registry stuff this weekend. I'll keep that info. up to date for those who are living vicariously (sp?) through this. (hee hee hee)

Guess that's all that's new and exciting for now.


* This Blog has been posted in memory of Squiggy.....who passed away this afternoon. May he swim in peace.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good-bye Christmas...hello break!

So Christmas break is over....and it's back to the old grind...and I don't think I could be happier! Odd you may say...and yes, I agree. It seems David and I didn't get a whole lot of time to sit and relax over the past few weeks. With visiting, shopping, planning, prepping, packing and celebrating, we had few days to sit and recover. We did get some wedding planning going over the guest list and discussing catering options. This involved a few arguements and the creation of a new word (capooples). We also agreeded on the wedding colors ( and I hope I don't change my mind again) and perhaps a dress idea for the girls. David has been looking at tux ideas with the color scheme in mind and plotting Honeymoon destination ideas.

David did get to enjoy the traditions of my family (3 am wake up on Christmas morning, manacotti for dinner, scrabble and visiting my family). I got to meet lots of his family and play more Dutch Blitz and Cranium than you can shake a stick at.

We arrived home from Bridgewater yesterday. It was a long and eventful trip. David stayed the night at my place last night due to the weather. I brought him back to ABU today (after Thelma charged up).

I hope that helps all that current our blog for news and updates and keeps you all satisfied for now. Talk to you soon.